Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Partying hard, maybe too hard!- October 20, 2014

Hey guys!!! 

I hope everyone is doing great and had a fun break from school (unless your byu, then you don't get breaks haha)!! this week has been so much fun!!! we had good food and met A LOT of really cool people:) 

The weekends here are CRAZY!!!! people seriously LOVE to party out here... it can get kinda scary actually:) The other day we were getting out of a lesson when right around the corner from us a gun shot goes off, my companion almost jumped into my arms! haha it was the loudest scariest thing I've ever experienced! so we went back into the apartment for cover... i was shaking so bad!!!! haha but its all good now ill be ready for the next time it happens:) 

Another funny/scary thing that happened this week was when we were at this apartment complex, it was about 9:15 pm and we could not find our way out  to save our lives. So finally we stopped and asked a group of guys, they were parting hard... but we didn't know who else to ask. so we asked them how to get out and they all kinda pointed in different directions. Then this one guy pushes his way through the crowd of guys and in a really creepy voice said "te llevo" which means "Ill take you". So me and hna allen hopped on our bikes so fast and started to bike away, but my bike is kinda handy and doesn't work when its in 2nd gear, so its always in 3rd gear and trying to start up my bike in 3rd gear takes a little bit of time for me to get going... haha so as I'm struggling behind hna Allen and she turns around and her face went white, and she yelled "hurry!!!" so i turned around and the guy was running behind me about 1 foot away from me and swung to hit me off my bike... the whole time he was doing this he was yelling "te llevo! te llevo!" luckily he missed me by an inch! I've never been so happy to be riding a bike!!! haha but it was really funny thinking about it after, but in the moment it was kinda freaky! haha 

So many cool things happened this week i cant even begin to tell you! but its just so cool the way the lord is protecting us out here! I LOVE LOVE LOVE BEING ON MY MISSION! it is the best choice I've ever made! I've never felt my Heavenly Fathers love so strong before!  This gospel really changes lives and i know that because it has changed mine:) I love you all so much and i hope you have a great week! enjoy all of the little things and don't take anything for granted!! HAVE FUN! love you so much!!! 

-Love Hermana Ihrke

This is us this morning at the Chiropractor 

Oh ya, we got into a car accident, but dont worry... Im okay....